I was not able to use things most champion commercials have. That’s completely okay though, it’s normal. Because I am a high school student I could not afford to rent out a gym or a football for this commercial. I worked with what I had and tried to the best of my abilities to make this commercial as perfect as I could. It represents athletic groups and people who stay fit. The backpack engages with the audiences by giving them something to hold their stuff in. It is distributed as a real media text by video via YouTube and bloggers. Uploading to YouTube was a way of getting it out there and it was the first media form I thought of. My production skills were TERRIBLE before I started this project. Then I had to figure out how to plan what was going to be in my project. Then I had to illustrate what was going to be in it using my storyboard. Then I had to act out what I drew previously. Casting was hard but filming was a breeze. The longest process was the editing process b...