Genre Research: Five Flights up
This movie is about an old couple, a husband and a wife, spending a hectic weekend considering selling an apartment they have been sharing for over forty years. The couple thinks firmly as they think of what's at stake of turning their backs on their home that is full of memories and feelings.
This movie often displayed close-ups. Using close-ups, we could see the emotions of the character that was on screen. Establishing shots in this movie were found in the beginning of the scenes. Their purpose was showing where the scenes is filmed and to give the viewers an idea of the time and place this is occuring.
The costumes were simple outfits that you would see in normal times. The film was centered around a beautiful old couple who were trying to sell their home. That home has been called theirs for decades but the times have changed so it is hard to stay in one place and old-fashioned when everything around you is changing. There was a moderate change in wardrobe but that would be when the scene changed. It was not an enormous change or anything like that. The lighting was decent, the acting was magnificent, I did not have a hard time believing the storyline. The make-up was flawless. The props were realistic and the settings. The two most prominent settings were the main street and the apartment which the couple lived in.
The sound the movie used were diegetic and non-diegetic. Another sound I noticed were sound bridges. They would start talking in one scene and it would overlap another scene as it faded in. Every movie has dialogue... unless it is a silent movie of course.
This movie had a lot of fading in and out going on. I noticed when people were speaking with one another on the phone they would soon meet, that is most likely a pattern.
The genre drama has a plot, characters, and flashbacks.
I like that there was a problem that possible solutions were presented. The scenarios were portraying real life and things that happen in real life. I did not like how long the movie took to move the plot forward. I chose a movie I thought was going to keep me interested for a while not a repeated cycle of scenes and shots.
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