Title Design Research: (Adventure) Snow White and the Huntsman

 1.    How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?

I counted fourteen titles this time around. I am starting to feel unsure as to am I counting the titles correctly. When I read the requirements for question one I thought the answers would be around 3-4. Lately I have been getting ten and over. I am a bit worried that I am counting extra credits. The credits I saw in the opening film were screenplay, screen story, produced by, executive producers, director of photography, production designer, editors, actors, music by, co-producer, casting, visual effects supervisors, production company, and unit production managers. In all honesty I started to see assistant directors and things along those lines so I stopped. That was definitely too much for me to add to the blog.

2.    What connotations do the images carry?

This opening sequence put their all into it. Never have I ever heard an opening song that fits so well with whart is on the screen at the time. I give this opening sequence an A+. Everyone did a spectacular job. The movie opening sequence felt spooky but a spooky where you would still like to stick around and find out what happens.

3.    How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

I can tell what genre the film is. The sound is not scary so I can throw thriller out of the equation. The genre of the film I would choose is either mystery  and adventurous. The knife that is on screen with editing creates action.

4.    What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The dark lighting and theme appeals to its target audience because with that opening people who grip to those scenes are getting drawn in. The mood is also a main factor in appealing to the target audience.


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